PassiveLogic Lunch & Learn: The Importance of Organizational Communication

Companies small and large must consider how best to maintain open and continuous communication amongst people, teams, & entire organizations. Time restricts the ability for everyone to constantly update one another, and it becomes clear that an “on-the-fly” approach to communications will not meet the needs of most firms.

A crucial component of organizational structure is a well-defined plan to keep coworkers updated on critical information. This includes not only effective methods for sharing what is pertinent but also a strategy that avoids the irrelevant noise.

At PassiveLogic, we employ several strategies to communicate the ideas that need communicating — in an efficient manner. One such tool is “Lunch & Learn”, where team members gather to discuss concepts that are essential for the entire organization to understand (and to enjoy some tasty pizza too). Last week, the entire PassiveLogic staff met to learn about proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, and why it is largely inadequate for modeling the complex control paths for building systems.


The team got up to speed on the basics of PID and where its shortcomings lie, which in turn allowed everyone to better understand precisely how PassiveLogic solves the issues that our industry currently faces. Whether a software developer, mechanical engineer, social media manager, or sales engineer, everyone benefited from having a conversation around the status quo and how each team member can contribute to create a better product.

PassiveLogic also relies on daily “stand up” meetings that are quick updates within specific departments to keep teams in the loop and quickly identify blockers to progress. Once a week, all teams come together for “sprint” meetings that allow the whole organization to plan and move forward towards its highest priority goals.

This general structure, along with Lunch & Learns to tackle the bigger picture, allows PassiveLogic to meet when necessary and share information at an appropriate level of detail. A consistent communication strategy enables PassiveLogic’s fast-paced growth, and employees stay up to speed on how their specific roles contribute to the overall mission and vision of the organization.

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