Troy Harvey Joins Panel of Industry Experts at AHR Expo 2020

AHR is the biggest event of the year for the HVAC/R industry. Companies and professionals from all over the globe come together for several days to show off new products, network, and discuss industry trends. As a company that is paving the way for the future of building control technology, it was fitting for PassiveLogic’s CEO Troy Harvey to join a panel titled ‘Obstacles and opportunities for HVACR in the Next Decade’ at this expo.

The panel, which was held on February 3, was an opportunity for industry experts to come together in an open forum format to discuss the next decade and what’s in store. The panel was led by Nicolas Waern, CEO of Winniio and known as ‘the building whisperer’, and he was joined by Jason Houck (CIO at Warez), Steve Jones (Owner at S4 group), Therese Sullivan (Marketing Leader at Tridium), and Troy Harvey (CEO of PassiveLogic).


Troy Harvey (right) and the other panel leaders address questions after the session.

The session was met with very warm reception as the venue was packed with industry professionals to the point of standing-room only. The panel opened up an insightful disucssion on buzzwords in the industry, speeding up value creation, and addressing costs alongside a widening labor skills gap in HVAC/R. It was exciting for PassiveLogic be a part of the conversation and provide solutions to navigate these challenges happening now and in the future.

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