Nexus Interviews: Is PassiveLogic more like Tesla or Apple?


Nexus is a new weekly newsletter and bi-weekly podcast that explores innovation in the smart buildings industry. Its content is curated by James Dice, who is a researcher at NREL and “specializes in assisting NREL partners with the development of criteria, evaluation, and selection of building energy analytics software across a wide array of building portfolios.”

With intersections in building energy analytics and smart buildings innovation, it was only a matter of time before James Dice and PassiveLogic would begin having some interesting conversations.

PassiveLogic’s first feature was on March 17th in the Nexus newsletter, a weekly publication that keeps readers up to date on the newest and emerging smart buildings technology. In the post, Dice compared PassiveLogic to Tesla and brought up three key ways PassiveLogic is approaching the industry differently:

  • Replacing the foundation
  • With depth and autonomy
  • Making the status quo obsolete

Check out the original article to learn more about how PassiveLogic is in some ways the Tesla of the building automation industry.


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James Dice also interviewed PassiveLogic CEO Troy Harvey on May 7th for the bi-weekly Nexus podcast. In this edition, James and Troy tackle relevant issues such as the technology divide in our industry, what it means for a building to be fully autonomous, and the importance of Deep Digital Twins. This time, PassiveLogic was compared to Apple in addition to Tesla; listen to the full episode here.

We look forward to more conversations with James Dice and the folks at Nexus.

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