Autonomous Buildings.
The future of controlled systems.

Full Autonomy.
The Endpoint of all Industries.

In any industry where controlled systems are involved, full autonomy is on the horizon. Whether it's transportation, manufacturing, logistics, or resources, the benefits of autonomous systems are coming into focus. The buildings industry is one of the largest in the economy, but isn’t receiving the attention and investment that it needs to reach full autonomy.

built for-installers

The built world uses 68% of energy.
But the technology development is lacking.

PassiveLogic has crafted a modular software and hardware platform that allows you take on just about any systems control project. Our core competency is HVAC (every single building has these systems) but our solution is flexible to design for the demands of anything else happening in your building.

Autonomous Buildings.
Going well past "Smart."

Most people have heard of smart buildings. But the problem is that nobody in the industry ever agreed on what “smart” means, and what the requirements are to make a building smart.

So PassiveLogic introduced the concept of “Autonomous Building” to our industry with clear definitions for different levels of autonomy, adapted from work done by the Society of Automotive Engineers to define autonomous vehicles.

digital twins

The Levels of Autonomy.
A Roadmap for the Future.

Introducing a taxonomy for autonomous buildings. Finally, technology development in the built environment has real definitions and a clear path.

Lightning Fast Compute.
Principled Digital Twins.

In order to control autonomously, you need physics-based models of the systems you want to control. And in order for those models to be useful, you need a compute platform fast enough to simulate them in seconds.


PassiveLogic solved both of these main challenges to deliver on the promise of autonomous systems — and in a way that makes the technology accessible and modular to tackle a wide range of applications.

built for-installers

Generative Autonomy.
AI usable by anyone.

PassiveLogic takes traditionally complicated workflows like 3D modeling, and weaves in generative AI to make tools that enable a much wider audience than is typical in the industry.

Imagine having an engineering partner with you that can help you easily draw up plans, simulate, generate controls diagrams, and walk you through wiring onsite. That’s the power of PassiveLogic’s generative AI tools. And when more people can leverage technology, together we can have a higher positive impact.

Generalized Autonomy.
Any Application.

We started with making buildings autonomous because they represent the largest single opportunity for impact in global sustainability and decarbonization. But buildings are just the beginning. As we expand the capabilities of Quantum™, the data standard behind autonomous systems, the sky is truly the limit for what we can model and therefore automate.

digital twins