built for-installers

A Little Something
About PassiveLogic

PassiveLogic is the first platform for generalized autonomy. We’ve created an ecosystem of solutions that enables anyone to design, deploy, operate, and maintain their own autonomous systems.

It all started with buildings. Buildings pose a unique challenge. They are the most complex controlled infrastructures in the world, and they account for more than 40% of the entire world’s energy resources. They are often fitted with outdated building management systems that provide suboptimal occupant comfort and waste energy. 

Our Mission

Empowering people through generative autonomy to solve the world’s largest climate challenges.

The Meaning
Of PassiveLogic

Passive: Passive refers to the autonomous part of the platform, that lets intelligence act for itself. It also takes inspiration from the “PassiveHaus” standard, a European standard for designing buildings with minimal energy use.

Logic: Refers to the AI and computed intelligence in the platform, a bit of a nod to edge computing which happens directly inside the Hive at the edge.

digital twins
built for-installers

Meet Our CEO Troy Harvey
PassiveLogic Founder Story

During his experiences designing sustainable, high-performance homes, Troy Harvey recognized that contractors rarely had the resources to implement building controls that would normally require the skills of a whole team of developers and engineers. Motivated by a desire to make customizable building control systems that anyone could use, Troy created PassiveLogic, the world’s first platform for generalized autonomy.

PassiveLogic uses physics-based AI to customize building controls for any kind of building. With buildings contributing to approximately 40% of global energy consumption, PassiveLogic aims to disrupt the building controls industry and tackle the world’s largest sustainability challenges.



Series A: $16M
Series B: $34M
Other Investments: $35M
Total Investments to date: $85M


Global Footprint

PassiveLogic Headquarters:
Salt Lake City Utah, USA

SouthEast Asia Office:
New Delhi, India

European Office:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Our Impact

Buildings contribute to 40% of global energy consumption. PassiveLogic solutions can reduce energy usage in buildings by 30% pr 9.6 quads - equivalent to taking 1/3 of cars off the road in the U.S.

Backed by the World’s
Best Investors

PassiveLogic’s investors are committed to helping us build the world’s leading brand in autonomy.

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